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Natural Beauty Behind dive Mystical Banyuwangi

BANYUWANGI is an area in Indonesia, which is rarely exposed. In fact, the area is part of East Java has enjoyed a decent natural beauty. During this Banyuwangi is only regarded as a haven for tourists who want to Bali.  

Moreover, Banyuwangi has a natural grandeur archipelago needed by travelers and adventurers. 

Banyuwangi often become home to tribes Osing which is a sub-tribe of the oldest Java with the Java language that gave birth to a variety of art and culture is so appealing.  

much natural beauty as it has stored in Banyuwangi especially about the natural beauty of its beaches. It could be for this, Banyuwangi very attached to the mystical region. In fact, this area has the legendary surf spot and beach worldwide as G Land, Coastal Plengkung, Sukamade which is where the development of sea turtles.  

From Banyuwangi, can climb the crater to watch the blue flame which there are two in the world, as well as traditional sulfur miners see activity understated. Banyuwangi regency has an area of approximately 6 thousand miles square, where a complete landscape that is calculated from the coast to the majestic towering mountains, such as Mt roar (3,282 m) and Mount Merapi (2,800 m).  

District is located right at the end The most eastern island of Java.Situbondo territory bordering the north, Strait of Bali in the East, the Indian Ocean in the south, as well as and Jember regency in the west.Besides famous as the largest districts in Java, Banyuwangi is where the largest fish in East Java, precisely in the East Coast Banyuwangi. Here is also famous as a fishing port Muncar.  

In addition to fish, this place is also known as a producer of bananas, almost every yard of the houses there are banana trees. Due to Banyuwangi be crossing the region from Java to Bali, then there was a mix of cultures that contributed to the history of the Kingdom Blambangan that influence. 

Banyuwangi culture infused culture of Java, Bali, Madura, Malay, European, Chinese, Javanese and local cultures Osing. Several unique art among Banyuwangi crazy dance, barong Kemiren, Seblang, Janger, Rengganis, tambourine kunthulan, patrol, mocopatan Goang hoe, jaranan butho, barong, kebo-keboan, angklung gluttonous, and gedhogan.  

Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival into a proper event witnessed the various arts of Banyuwangi.Banyuwangi literally meaning fragrant water, which means water and perfumed banyu means fragrant. A name associated with folklore about the wife of a duke loyalty seized by the king himself.  

His wife also died at the hands of her husband when he knew the duke with the king.
intimation wife before her husband killed himself that proved his loyalty to the river where the water becomes fragrant blood spilled. The duke so love his wife even then live in regret. Additionally, you can enjoy another adventure.  

Start of the magic of the blue flame and traditional sulfur miners in the crater. To be able to enjoy it, then it could come early days approximately at 01.00. To watch it, then you have to climb to the top of Ijen in order to experience watching the blue flame, the molten sulfur that came out of the crater. See also how the miners risk their lives for the sake of hauling chunks of sulfur. 

A time also explore the savannah in Baluran National Park. Various wild animals ranging from Java bull, peacock, monkeys, deer, leopards and even up.In this place can bersnorkling or can explore the dense mangrove forest in Bama Beach. 

Next adventure into the wild natural nan in the National Park Alas Purwo or Meru Betiri. Here you can see the wild animals in Sadengan, turtle release in Sukamade, or surfing at G Land.

Red Island beach is worth a visit to the coastal beaches of Kuta Bali which is similar to the cool waves, as reported Indonesiatravel. you are interested in agro tourism, it is necessary to come to the Plantation Bayu Lor. This is a coffee plantation estates.  

There are also Agro and Agro Tourism Travel Kalibendo Klatak time as a producer of rubber, coffee, and cloves. Satisfied exploring tourist attractions, there is no harm in trying traveled religious tourism and history with the maqom Waliullah Datuh Abdurahim biin Abubakar bin Bauzir crowded by pilgrims. There is also Pura Agung Blambangan in Muncar frequented by Hindus of Java and Bali.  

Bio Hoo Tong temple in Karangrejo visited was interesting because it has been around since 1768. Museum Blambangan provide a diverse collection of historic objects. anyway Take time to enjoy a variety of industrial district of Banyuwangi, such as in Virdes batik, bamboo crafts in village Gintangan, handicraft weaving in the village Kemiran , blacksmith command in Singotrunan, wooden craft in Masnus, banana fiber craft in the village Kemiren, or craft doll crazy in Carpenter.

Source : Okezone

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