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Sail Raja Ampat to begin this year

After successfully organized Sail Komodo 2013, Indonesian government is now re-organizing Sail Raja Ampat 2014 that will be held on June 21, 2014 at Waisai Torang Cinta beach, Raja Ampat, West Papua. 

Minister of Maritim Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said that Sail Raja Ampat 2014 was the 6th times since begun in 2009.

This international event was started with the implementation of Sail Bunaken 2009, Sail Banda 2010, Sail Wakatobi-Belitong 2011, Sail Morotai 2012 and Sail Komodo 2013. Sail Raja Ampat will be attended by participants from various countries, such as Malaysia, Australia, Netherlands, Thailand, Philippines, USA and other countries.

"The natural beauty of Raja Ampat is very exotic and its underwater panorama becomes one of icons of diving tourism in the world. At least 3,000 people from various countries will attend this event," Sutardjo recently as reported by Rr. Laeny Sulistyawati.

Many luxury ships and yachts will also come to Raja Ampat to lead marine tourism in the area. A number of ministries and agencies are also involved to synergize programs.

Marine tourism in Indonesia is expected to add value and improve local economy in West Papua and surrounding areas. Sail Raja Ampat will also boost region' economy into a major world tourist destination. Raja Ampat has about 1,700 small islands that will be some attractions for foreign tourists.

Source : Republika

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