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Thousands Celebrate International Dance Day in Solo

Around 5,000 dancers participated in Solo 24 Jam Menari (Solo's 24 Hours Dancing Festival) to celebrate International Dance Day on Tuesday.
Rector of Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) in Surakarta, Prof. Dr. Sri Rochana W inaugurated the event by draping flowers on five dancers that performed for 24 hours non-stop at ISI campus area.

Those five dancers were Daryono from ISI Surakarta, Darmawan Dadijono from ISI Yogyakarta, Sekar Alit from ISI Surakarta postgraduate, Riyanto, a Banyuwangi resident that has changed citizenship to Japanese and Noorhaizah Adam from Singapore.

According to Sri Rochana, they dance from 06:00 a.m. on Tuesday to 06:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

She said that there were also 5,000 dancers from ISI Surakarta, SMK (Vocational School) 8 Solo and dance studios in Solo to enliven the International Dance Day with the theme Suara Tubuh Membuka Hati.

There was also a dance maestro show at ISI Surakarta theatre where Eyang Tarwo, a dancer from Mangkunegaran Surakarta, Handoyo from Malang, Andi Ummu Tunru from Makassar and Dedy Luthan from Jakarta performed.

ISI Surakarta rector said the dance performed in several places such as Jendral Sudirman Solo Street, Paragon Mall, Solo Grand Mall, Solo Square Mall, Adi Sumarmo Airport and SMK 8 Solo.

The performance at Jendral Sudirman Street was themed Bima Suci. Around 500 dancers and 750 students from 34 provinces in Indonesia performed there.

Source : Tempo

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