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Thousands Flock to Lawang Sewu Train Museum

Train Museum in Lawang Sewu, Semarang, was visited by 6,000 people a day during long weekend from April 18 to 20, 2014.
"This is much higher than daily average of only 1,000 visitors," said Train Museum service officer Dimas Karebet on Sunday.

Most of the visitors were from outside Semarang. Dimas said that they were unable to enjoy the crypt, one of the main attractions, because the manager had one of the rooms, which were used as a prison, renovated.

Based on Tempo's observation, the high number of visitors to the historical building caused buses and private vehicles to be parked around the Youth Monument, Semarang, a little further away from the museum.

Hayuzar, 28, came from Aceh with his wife and six family members to see Lawang Sewu. He had visited the place twice and claimed never felt bored with the old building design by Thomas Karstens. "I want to know about its unique architecture and collections of trains and history," said Hayuzar.

Hayuzar and his family were impressed by the building, especially after the building's properties were managed quite well and cleaned up, losing its creepy ambiance.

Source : Tempo

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