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Sticky Delight

Sticky Delight
Uli goreng (fried sticky rice cake) is a typical dish served during Eid celebration in Bekasi. Warm uli goreng is usually served for the guests who visit the house after Eid prayer. 

The hot tea or coffee becomes the best companion for eating uli goreng while having moments with friends and family.
“Uli goreng is eaten by dipping it into timlo (seasoned meat slices),” said Imam Sunandar, a resident of Cikarang, Bekasi.

In some occasions, people would wrap the savory cakes in banana leaves and bring it along with them. Besides to absorb the heat, banana leaves give a delectable aroma to the cakes.

“In East Java, it is known as tetel or jadah,” said Heny Rahayu from Malang, East Java.
To make uli, one will need three kilograms of glutinous rice, six half-ripened coconut and salt. The glutinous rice is washed and steamed. Then, it is blended with shredded coconut, salt, and pounded into tender form.

The uli can then be stored in a container that is covered with banana leaves and smeared with frying oil. The uli is wrapped with banana leaves to preserve it. The dish is good to eat until one week after the making.

Source : Tempo

The Durian of Kayu Tanam

The Durian of Kayu Tanam
Durian season has come to the West Sumatra. Strong durian aroma would seize your nose when you enter the Kayu Tanam area in Padang Pariaman Regency, 50 kilometers from downtown Padang. The month of June and July are the peak of durian season in the regency.
Rows of durian vendors were seen along the Padang-BukitTinggi highway. Many of the travelers stopped by the vendors just to have a juicy bite of the spike-skinned fruit.
“Durian season started few days before the fasting month,” said one of durian vendors, Erwan (63 years old).

Erwan, who also known as Pak Uwa, sold his durian starting from Rp15,000 for medium size to Rp20,000 for bigger sizes. The smaller sized durians were sold from Rp7,500 to Rp10,000.

“If one to buy many, the price will be different,” he explained.

Besides selling his durian per fruit, Pak Uwa also sold the durian in bunches of 10 to 15 durian fruits. The price ranged from Rp75,000 to Rp200,000 per bunch depending on the quality.

Durian from Kayu Tanam is also famous in other part of West Sumatra such as Padang and Bukittinggi. However, the durian from Kayu Tanam is sold for more expensive price in other regions.

In Padang, durian from Kayu Tanam can be found in Jl dr Wahidin Sisingamangaraja. Guests would see sitting on the floor which is covered with carpet or mats. In this street, durians are served with a plate of sticky rice.

People from outside of West Sumatra also favor durians from Kayu Tanam.

“People from Riau have bought large amount of this durian. They bought 300 fruits,” Pak Uwa said adding that in the beginning of the durian season, they could sell up to 500 of durians in a single day,

The 21-year-old Yogi, a fan of durian, said that the durians from Kayu Tanam are delicate and cheaper.

“The meat is thick and it taste sweet,” said Yogi who purposely came to Padang just to taste the distinctive durian of Kayu Tanam.

Source : Tempo

Warm Nasi Liwet at Nagreg Valley

Warm Nasi Liwet at Nagreg Valley
Homecomers passing Nagreg, Bandung, can rest and enjoy its surrounding scenery and fresh air after a long journey at the Asep Stroberi (Asstro) restaurant. 

Located at Jalan Raya Nagreg Number 145, visitors can enjoy various dishes and pick strawberries at the restaurant’s gardern.
Before the entrance, visitors can see green mountainous scenery and feel the fresh air since the large dining room with three long tables was designed to be opened without compartments.  

Tempo explored the restaurant and found dozens of large and wooden gazebos with a table to accommodate four to ten diners. Some gazebos are provided for two.

“In total, there are 80 tables to accommodate up to 320 people,” Asep Dadan, operational staff of the restaurant, said.

Way down in the valley, visitors will found a small creek just before a playground with swings and outbound toys for children. Not far from the playground, a garden is provided for visitors who want to pick strawberries.

Since 2005, the restaurant has always been crowded by visitors on the weekend. The parking lot can facilitate 70 to 80 cars and buses. 

There are five bungalows for couples and family that can accommodate six people for Rp500,000 to Rp900,000 per night during the weekend and holidays.

The dishes served at the restaurant are mostly Sundanese. Tempo tried the Nasi Liwet (succulent rice dish cooked in coconut milk) with fried chicken, tofu, fried tempeh, traditional sauces and a salty fishes. 

The restaurant also serves other dishes, such as spicy nasi liwet and gourami fish, which are gluten-free.

Drinks, with unique names, include green leaf juice, made of mustard, lemon, melon and cucumber; and Kelinci Lumpat (The Running Rabbit), made of carrot, mango and celery; available for Rp20,000.

Source : Tempo

Kulineran in Cirebon

Kulineran in Cirebon
Homecoming through Cirebon? Stop by and enjoy a variety of culinary first offered Cirebon.  

One thing is for sure, just need one word to describe the culinary Cirebon: 

"Delicious". Starting culinary adventure with Rice jamblang or Sega jamblang.  

Point the way to Jalan Gunung Sari.Could be at home eating Mang Dul, the Highways jamblang, or right in front of Grage Mall there are many rows of street stalls selling Nasi jamblang. 

Entry into the stalls, various side dishes presented, select which one lived.But the main players are fist-sized rice wrapped in teak leaves. As a friend to eat, can select processed tofu and tempeh, and various satai like satai shrimp and shellfish. There is also processed eggs and chicken liver.   

then is enjoying Empal Gentong. In jamblang Highway, there are several street vendors Empal Gentong. Can also to Jalan Slamet Riyadi in Empal Gentong Mrs. Dharma. Empal Gentong like soup, along with the gut contents of beef and beef tripe. As the broth is beef broth. Sauce cooked in the barrel.Gentong jerked eaten with rice or rice cake.

Time to glide to the area to enjoy Docang Kesambi. Docang commonly sold in the market in the morning. If you want to enjoy the night, could be to Kesambi in Docang Mr. Otong.  

Glance Docang vegetables such as diamond.Another difference between stuffing Docang bean sprouts, shredded coconut, and cassava leaves. Then rice cake sliced ​​and sprinkled with fried onions. As siramannya is oncom sauce. 

Another addition was crackers and chili. Another option to enjoy a unique culinary Cirebon is Mie Koclok. Mi bersantan doused with thick gravy and add a variety of vegetables. The vegetables used are bean sprouts and shredded cabbage.  

Not forgotten shredded chicken and the egg. Mie Koclok To taste, it could point to a road trip Lawang Gada. Here there is a famous shop Koclok Mie which is owned by Mas Edy. Another alternative could be to Mie Koclok Panjunan Panjunan Road.

Source : Kompas